Updated: Nov 14, 2020 Lucy Thompson As a Recruiter and Job Coach I often hear from candidates how frustrating job searching can be. Submitting your resume online can often yield little to no response. It's tempting to continue what we know hoping to yield a different result. It's a far better approach to take a step back, evaluate what tools are available and develop a game plan. Whether it's taking time to evaluate a new career path, updating our skills through online training, practicing our interview skills or discovering ways to utilize LinkedIn and other social media to widen our network, it's important to think about our approach. Over the years, I've learned about some tools that I love sharing with people. Using these resources can enable you to gain more traction in your job search, including improving your network, customizing your resume, practicing your interview skills and ultimately landing a great job. Incorporate one, a few or all of these into your job search. Sometimes what we put in is what we get back, and in your job search it can pay-off in a big way. 1) Phase2Careers – Phase2Careers.org A nonprofit organization "Preparing and empowering the Over 40 worker for career opportunities in the new economy" · Supportive Community, Networking opportunities · Webinars, Resume help, Mock Interviews, Career Exploration & Advice · Reinvent yourself, address large gaps in your resume, get encouragement/guidance 2) NOVAworks.org · Online workshops · Career Exploration · One-on-one job coaching · Customize your resume for better response rate · LinkedIn profile help & networking · Promatch Networking Group (part of NOVA) 3) The Mom Project – Themomproject.com ( FYI you don’t have to be a Mom!) · Enables you to create a profile & they match you with opportunities · High-quality jobs that connect you directly with an employer · Detailed job descriptions, including pay · Many work from home and flexible opportunities 4) Albert’s Job Listings & Referrals – aka “Albert’s List” is a Facebook group (Join FB & ask to join the group) · 44,000 members, very supportive & positive community moderated by Albert Qian · Quality leads posted often, directly by hiring manager or recruiter · You can message the job poster directly · Job leads come out faster than are posted publicly · You can also post an “introduction” about yourself to network · You can ask for introductions to people in certain industries/companies · Allows you to ask “anonymous questions” which will be answered by community 5) Angel’s List – angel.co · Job listings for startups · Enables you to create a profile & you get matched with opportunities · Can choose the area you’re interested in & target types of companies and geographical areas · Flexible schedule & work from home options 6) The Muse - themuse.com · Online job board · Coaching · Updated Industry Career Advice · In-depth company culture info 7) Salary.com · Current salary information · Searchable by geographic location · Tools to help you negotiate 8) ONET - ONETonline.org · In-depth information on current jobs · Features searchable skills needed for each job · Gives labor market information highlighting in-demand jobs Lucy Thompson, Career Advisor
Bay Area Resources for Those in Career Transition
Updated: 7 days ago